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New Moon - Let's Whoop Ass

Writer's picture: Leila VerbanLeila Verban

Honestly I know science has been trying to debunk folk lore on the connection between the moon cycles and human behaviour for years, but try as I might, I personally can't seem to shake the feeling that as sentient beings in a symbiotic relationship with everything around us... well maybe, just maybe, science is limiting us by trying to fit everything into a box.

I have touched base on moon cycles before because as a woman, helping other women (therefore, do not feel entirely qualified to speak for men - please reach out and discuss your thoughts!), I work not only within my personal "ladies business" cycle but also with the moon cycles themselves. Some studies have shown there is a direct connection to the effects on sleep, behaviour and our mental health due to changes in surrounding environment at different times of the month, while other studies have struggled to come to the same conclusion. What does your intuition say? Aristotle believed that the brains high water content made it susceptible to the phases of the moon, some refer to this as the 'tides' of the mind - effecting our moods not only due to environmental impact around us, but also due to the energetic forces at play and more pragmatically; the push and pull of gravity as the Earth rotates.

Every time the new moon comes around, my daughter (aptly named Luna) reminds me to take stock of where we are in our cycles. She does this because I swear on all things holy, she is always more emotional in the lead up and on the day of the new moon. If I can catch this and be aware of it, I then can navigate these times with more compassion and patience. I, as the adult and parent, the caretaker, the mother, am meant to be that for her. I don't mean gentle parent my way through her walking all over me, because she certainly needs to understand that the entire neighbourhood does not need to know her brother called her a baby, however, I can hold space for her to express herself and then gently tell her to suck it up, without taking her tantrums personally.

Many believe the New Moon is a time of heightened energy, giving opportunity for new beginnings, clean slates, fresh starts or what ever else you'd like to call it. It's the time to plant seeds. What do you do before you plant seeds? mix and prepare soil, weed out what doesn't serve those seeds and give them the optimum chance at growth. We want to see them flourish don't we, and yes thats a statement not a question. Why the hell would you plant a seed in dead soil? That would be madness!

In this metaphor, you my delicate flower bud are the one who needs to weed out what does not serve you, clear your space, your energetic field and plant seeds for what you would like to see grow and flourish in your life. If something is in our personal sphere, whether we 'like' it or not, that particular person/job/experience is there because it has been called to you by either your conscious mind, or your shadow side in your unconscious mind. ACCEPTANCE. Accept that this is truth, understand that you may not be aware you are calling these (for lack of a better word) negative vibes into your life, and start trying to see why you would attract them and from there, you can set them free. All your experiences, relationships and situationships serve a purpose and it's usually our inability to acknowledge their place in our journey that creates friction, turmoil and chaos.

The New Moon brings with her, the opportunity to explore creativity, as there is fertile soil for your new seeds and this is the time for manifestation. Setting intentions and manifesting goals; the energy of the new moon is thought to amplify the power of those intentions. Be clear and concise. The energy at this time is heightened! so breath deep, bunker down and rest, relax and try a little introspection. It's a powerful time for inner work and if you feel the pull to go inward, withdraw from social interaction and nurture the abundance and positivity, do it! A no-no at this time is - oversharing. It's okay to sit and write your to do list, to begin that new project and get the ball rolling, just don't share it. I know, your brain wants the dopamine hit from telling all your friends about your cool new plans, but trust me it's just not time yet.

The New Moon is followed by waxing crescent which is the time for growth, for creativity and motivation. This part of the moons cycle is bang on matching women's follicular phase, which is why we as women feel more motivated and inspired to take action post period and pre ovulation. I don't want this to be information overload for those who are new to these concepts, so I'll save the more in depth information on the women's cycles for another post, as well as a post on shadow work and our existential kinks.

I guess what Im articulating in todays rambles, is that there is a shift in energies and we either play it down or utilise it to our benefit, right?

I love to have a little new moon ritual; something I've developed over the years after experimenting with different tools and rituals to cleanse energies and realign myself with what I intuitively feel is my higher path. Higher does not mean that it is more important than anyone else's, it is not stemming from ego, but from a place when I vibrate at a higher frequency. Yes, humans vibrate and yes, external forces can lower your vibration - leading to sickness, mental health issues and blockages in abundance in your life. I perceive success and abundance, relative to what you measure it by. So no Tina you cannot dictate what my success is to me.

So, rituals... these can be as Wiccan as you would like, or as conservative as you feel comfortable. A conservative way of cleansing your body and energetic field could be something as simple as a shower or hot bath with the intention of cleansing the energy field. You can take this as far as you like, enjoy the process and please research! explore, be creative. Tribes have used sage to cleans for hundreds of years. This can be used as a smoke bath around your body or it can be used in conjunction with feathers to move the bellows of smoke through your home/office/creative space.

It is important we protect ourselves. You might not believe in ghosts or spirits or negative forces that might highjack your best intentions, but I think it's much better to be safe than sorry. Never set about manifestation in energy work without first grounding yourself, asking for (insert your belief - even if its a dead relative or the spirit of your cat) protection. In American Indian tribes they had spirit shields drawn on their body and/or they wore shields in the form of bones, animals skins etc. to protect them from harmful spirit. Make this personal to you, or simply ask the spirit shield for protection, if you lack a belief system or imagination. Either way, I cant be more clear on this - be wise and protect that fine ass of yours.

What Im describing next is one of my rituals, not something I believe everyone should get into, but if you wish to explore then reach out and we can have chat. After cleansing my space, my body and my mind, I like to then do a New Moon spread with my cards and gain some insight from my guides. I might also pull cards from different decks for different subjects, especially if I have reached a fork in the road in one area of my life or another or if I've met a dashing new man and want to know if their role in my journey will be positive or negative. You get the gist. This whole process doesn't need to take any more then 30-60 minutes depending on what you choose to do as your ritual. I also journal. I journal what I am grateful for, positive affirmations (usually supporting acceptance and transformation/growth) and in this way, what I am writing is manifesting what I desire for my future by creating a state of mind that I am already living it in my present moment. I will also journal my dreams if they are clear enough for me to recall, often finding they are communicating to me from my shadow side, which I also refer to as my existential kinks. This concept came from Carolyn Elliott, PhD and her book Existential Kink, unmask your shadow and embrace your power ( The mind can not differentiate between past, present and future and I know I keep saying this, but in every context of internal work and growth, I believe it is so very applicable. To finish off my ritual I love, love, love, to play music that inspires me, that make me want to move and create, however, if required because life is so hectic, I will have silence to contemplate, ground down, breath and in stillness the miracles occur. Thank your guides for their wisdom, thank your cat for their protection and ride the wave of inspired, higher path energy as you sew your seeds. Do not be un grateful.

My intentions and goals often come from the little signs I am receiving in the lead up to the new moon. Sometimes I know in my heart of hearts I have to cut loose a person or job in order to move forward or I have to take a hard look at my own attitude before I start trying to manifest anything. This work is about truth, which includes being real with yourself. Manifestation will backfire on your crazy ass if you are trying to manipulate people against their will. Put the cauldron down Shaniah, no love spells today woman. This is about YOU raising YOUR vibration, surrounding yourself with those that inspire you and support you and this is not about feeding your greed and desire to possess.

Thank you for joining me and delighting in the rambles of my mind, an accumulation of knowledge and experience that I has been a pleasure to share in hopes it creates new connections, deepens the connections I already have or in some way provokes thought, contemplation and fingers crossed - growth - for someone somewhere.

Light and Love


Leila Verban

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